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ImPACT Baseline Testing and Concussion Monitoring Program 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Baseline Testing?
ImPACT, an FDA-cleared medical device, is used by healthcare, educational, and sports organizations to help assess and manage concussions. Using the Impact® pre-assessment platform that obtains baseline cognitive data, we can determine the significance of a possible head injury and quantify the concussion’s effects. We offer Open Testing Dates before fall sports to ensure student-athletes have a baseline test to determine if a concussion or other brain injury has occurred during the season, on or off the field.

How much does it cost?
The baseline test is $50 - payable via the PAY button.  You must make a payment via the above link to be tested. Pre-payment will secure your spot on open testing day. The test will take approximately 20 minutes. You can come to the Clinic at 432 Eastwood Rd, Suite 200 on August 26th between 10 am and 3 pm for the baseline test with no appointment necessary. Post-Injury/follow-up testing and concussion care are available by medical appointment.

Can I make an appointment if I cannot make it to the Open Baseline Testing Day?
Yes, please reach out to Shane Weidman at The Clinic. BR&T will continue to offer Open Baseline Testing Days quarterly. Be on the lookout for future dates!

How can imPACT baseline testing benefit my child or athlete's brain?
Just like you, one of our biggest concerns at the Clinic for Special Children is for the health of student-athletes, including recovery from injury, especially injuries to the vulnerable developing brain. The Brain Restoration and Therapeutics (BR&T) program at The Clinic was developed by Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician, Karen Harum, MD, FAAP, to expeditiously evaluate brain injuries to assess and intervene to reduce long-term effects.

Not all concussions occur as a result of participation in athletics. Over 50% of concussions in children are due to falls. Baseline testing is a great option for assessing the need for concussion care post-injury.  Paired with a formal neurological exam and treatment recommendations by our concussion-certified physician, your child will safely and rapidly return to baseline status and athletic performance. 

*** Terms and Conditions: Baseline Testing Payments are non-refundable. Please come to Open Testing Day any time between 10 am - 3 pm with your payment receipt (screenshot is fine.)

Click for more information about ImPACT

Click to find out about the Clinic’s Brain Restoration and Therapeutics Program.

Contact Shane Weidman at for questions or more information.

brain restoration and therapuetics offer many different therapies for brain restoration
brain healing therapies

© 2023 by Clinic for Special Children 

This website is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat medical conditions, nor is it to be used as a substitute for advice from a qualified health practitioner. The purpose of this website is informational only.

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